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Celebrate the 5th Annual National Forensic Service Week

Posted by Bret Peters on September 17, 2018
Bret Peters

National Forensic Science Week (1)During the week of September 16 - 22, 2018, we invite you to join us in recognizing the critical role that forensic science plays in criminal investigations and we give thanks for the dedication of the thousands of forensic professionals who serve our communities nationwide.  

The Fifth Annual National Forensic Science Week, which falls between September 16 - 22, 2018, was founded in 2013 to recognize and promote quality forensic science. This week-long event is an opportunity to appreciate the invaluable contributions of forensic professionals who tirelessly work to support criminal investigations and ensure that justice is served. Forensic science is an essential element in solving crimes, and this week provides a platform to raise awareness of its importance and to advance its quality. It is a time to recognize the dedication and hard work of thousands of forensic professionals across the country who work tirelessly to provide accurate, reliable, and timely forensic science services. Please join us in recognizing key members including: 

The recognition of Forensic Science Week has spread throughout various states and cities in the United States. In addition to Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Miami-Dade County, other entities have also joined in the celebration by issuing official proclamations. From coast to coast, forensic professionals are being honored for their tireless efforts to provide quality forensic science and support criminal investigations. Let us continue to acknowledge and appreciate the dedication of those who serve our communities through forensic science.

Visit the Forensic Science Week website to learn more. 

Topics: Cyber Crime, Law Enforcement, Crimes Against Children, High Tech Crime, Forensic Software, White Collar Crime, Forensic Science

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