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3 Ways School Resource Officers Stop CSAM with Mobile Forensics

Posted by ADF Solutions on May 24, 2023
ADF Solutions

Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) is a growing problem in schools.Unfortunately, this type of material can be easy to access for students, particularly those who are curious or vulnerable. It can often go undetected due to the lack of training and awareness. It is essential to understand that CSAM is not just about sexually explicit images and videos; it can also include verbal, written, or symbolic language that could be used to manipulate or groom a child.  

It is not only illegal but can have devastating effects on students and the school community. Schools should be doing their part to keep CSAM out of the hands of students, but they can't do it alone. School resource officers are essential in school safety and in helping schools stop CSAM. Using Mobile Device Investigator, they can engage in proactive monitoring and respond to reports of CSAM.                                      

Here are three ways SROs can conduct mobile forensics and use MDI to protect children from CSAM in schools:

  1. MDI can be used to monitor school-issued devices for inappropriate content.

    MDI allows school administrators and resource officers to monitor student activity on all school-issued digital devices, including tablets and phones to assist with safeguarding students. It is a powerful tool for monitoring school-issued devices for inappropriate content. SROs can extract data from school-issued devices such as web history, text messages, images, videos, audio files, documents, download history, and apps.

    The SRO can create predefined search profiles to create and share a predefined set of files and artifact captures that make up an investigative strategy for particular case types. In this case, an SRO would create one for Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM). ADF search profiles automatically capture relevant evidence during a digital forensic investigation.

    SROs can quickly scan devices and obtain screenshots by extracting data from school-issued devices. SROs and administrators can easily access emerging incidents and question students involved. SROs can also identify students distributing CSAM in their school community. 

  2. MDI can be used to investigate reports of CSAM on mobile devices.

    MDI is an essential tool in the fight against CSAM. SROs can use MDI to investigate reports of CSAM on mobile devices by scanning images and videos on iOS and Android devices through a library of predefined descriptors. These descriptors include various keywords and phrases that are commonly associated with CSAM. If any of the descriptors match the content of the image or video, it is flagged as potentially being CSAM.

    This advanced technology enables SROs to quickly and accurately identify CSAM, which can help prevent it from spreading further. With MDI, SROs can collect digital evidence from mobile devices and tablets, which can be analyzed and composed into a shareable report. This can be essential when building a case against an individual potentially engaging in criminal behavior. By giving SROs the means to identify and investigate CSAM, schools can help protect vulnerable children and keep school communities safe.

  3. MDI can also be used to investigate devices belonging to individuals in or outside the school community.

    By tracking down the source of CSAM, SROs can help prevent it from spreading further which helps with Safeguarding Kids Online.

    MDI can collect evidence from devices owned by school community members, such as students or staff, and from devices that belong to individuals outside the school community, such as parents or community members.

    In cases where an individual is suspected of possession of child pornography, MDI can be used to search their device for any incriminating images or videos. School administrators can gather evidence into a report automatically generated by MDI digital forensic software and build a case against an individual potentially engaging in criminal behavior.

Using Mobile Device Investigator, SROs can use MDI tools to collect digital evidence from iOS and Android devices. They can detect and investigate reports of CSAM in their schools by connecting a suspect device via a USB port to quickly collect evidence and perform an advanced logical acquisition. Mobile device and tablet data will be collected, analyzed, and composed into a shareable report. 

Give your SROs the tools to protect vulnerable children from the dangers of CSAM and keep schools safe with ADF's Mobile Device Investigator.

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