The Future of Investigations: Leveraging Technology for Justice
Crime is no longer confined to physical evidence or singular devices. Criminal activities span across multiple platforms, devices, and data sources, presenting law enforcement with a daunting..
How ADF Captures Non-Compliance for Probation/Parole Investigations
Supervising probationers and parolees is essential to maintaining public safety and ensuring offenders' successful reintegration into society. With the increasing prevalence of technology in today's..
How Prosecutors Can Use MDI To Prevent Re-Victimization
Re-victimization in police investigations refers to a situation where a victim of a crime, particularly a sensitive or traumatic crime, experiences further distress or trauma due to the investigative..
4 Mistakes Investigators Make When Screenshotting Phone Evidence
Today, screenshots have become a valuable tool for capturing critical evidence from mobile devices in digital forensic investigations. While screenshots can provide visual evidence of text messages,..
How to Conduct Mobile Setup with Mobile Device Investigator
Investigators face the daunting task of analyzing vast amounts of digital data to uncover critical evidence. Customizable search profiles are a game-changer in the field of digital forensics. By..
How to Review Mobile Forensics Evidence
Data analysis can quickly become overwhelming without proper organization tools. Extracting, analyzing, and reporting on this data efficiently is of paramount importance to investigators.
As smartphones continue to play an ever-increasing role in our lives, law enforcement, and digital forensics professionals are faced with the challenge of efficiently extracting and processing..
How to Screenshot Mobile Evidence
Cell phones are used for communication, entertainment, and even as essential tools for work. With the widespread usage of smartphones, law enforcement, and digital forensics professionals have..
How to Acquire Cell Phone Evidence with Mobile Device Investigator
The ability to extract crucial data from Android and iOS devices efficiently is paramount. As the usage of smartphones continues to soar, investigators and analysts require reliable tools to acquire..
How to Scan a Mobile Device with Mobile Device Investigator
In today's digital age, mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. They store a wealth of personal information, making them an attractive target for malicious actors. Whether you're an..