Digital Forensic White Papers

Dive deeper into our numerous verticals and technical abilities with the below white papers. Our white papers provide an overview of the mobile and computer digital forensics process, with a particular focus on the challenges and solutions that arise when processing evidence on smartphones and computers.

Solving Crimes in the Social Era: The Role of Social Media Forensics


Social media platforms have revolutionized connecting, communicating, and sharing information. Billions of users across the globe actively engage in social media activities, generating an immense volume of data.

From personal interactions to public statements, these digital footprints offer valuable insights into individual behavior, societal trends, and criminal activity. As a result, the emerging field of social media forensics has gained prominence, enabling experts to leverage digital evidence for investigative purposes.

This white paper actively explores the methodologies, tools, and implications of social media forensics. We will illustrate the significant role that social media forensics plays in solving crimes, uncovering digital traces, and providing valuable insights into suspect behavior or intentions by examining intriguing case studies. Moreover, we will discuss the challenges and limitations of social media forensics and suggest best practices for effectively utilizing it.

Download the Social Media White Paper

The DEI Advantage: Accurate Data Collection in Digital Forensics

There are quite a few forensic tools out there, but not all are created equal. SomeWhitePaperCover-Cornerflip-DataCollection
tend to over-collect data, collecting and recording artifacts where there is actually nothing of value. Others grab the correct information but miss important artifact properties. It is with this in mind that this test was conducted. An investigator can use this information to see what, with a limited set of data, three different forensic tools are able to acquire.

This white paper examines how the critical factors of record accuracy and
data clarity are vital to an investigator, as well as being far more important
factors than pure record count. It shows examples of this importance through the analysis of test data and exemplifies the style of record one should expect from Digital Evidence Investigator (DEI).

Download the Data Collection White Paper

Beyond the Border: Digital Forensics on the Front Line

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the nation’s largest federal law enforcement agency. They secureWhitePaperCover-Cornerflip-BorderPatrol
the nation’s borders at more than 300 ports of entry while also facilitating lawful international trade and
travel. CBP uses a variety of technology to assist them in enforcing U.S. laws and regulations at the border. They also prevent contraband, other illegal and restricted merchandise, and inadmissible persons from entering
and exiting the United States.

This white paper examines border security and the U.S. Border Patrol’s need for digital forensic software to solve on-scene investigations. It identifies scenarios in which digital forensic software is beneficial for rapid on-scene forensic analysis of mobile devices. 

Download the Border Security White Paper

Mac Forensics: The Investigation of M1 and T2 Chips


Investigators can now scan all available Mac Operating System (macOS) computers (including Macs with T2 or M1 chips) with all types of encryption and virtual drives by running a remote agent that communicates with the desktop application 1  Now investigators can perform digital forensic triage on all Macs including: 

  • macOS T2 chip

  • macOS M1 chip

  • Mac Fusion Drive

In this white paper, ADF Solutions will examine how the investigative power of scanning Mac M1 and T2 chips can help further forensic investigations in the lab and the field.

Download the Mac Forensics White Paper

Empowering Investigators with CSAM Age Detection

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Investigating crimes against children has been at the forefront of law enforcement’s initiatives to dedicate specialized manpower and equipment in order to battle this issue. It is not an easy issue to tackle as it manifests in many different ways and sometimes requires three or more specialized units working together to bring the offenders to justice and then another specialized unit to manage the offenders after release.

This white paper will examine the realities of investigating human trafficking and child exploitation, specifically around the age estimation of child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The paper will conclude with how ADF Solutions, along with technology partner, Suspect Technologies, helps investigators collect and analyze CSAM. This is then used to create actionable, shareable reports to build a solid case against suspected perpetrators in order to prevent revictimization.

Download the CSAM Age Detection White Paper

Empowering First Responders with Digital Intelligence Tools to Fight TerrorismWhitePaperCover-Terror-cornerflip (1)-1

Military and intelligence officers process an ever-increasing amount of data from which they need to gather actionable intelligence. This data comes from a variety of devices seized in combat operations or during an investigation.  

The challenge facing many forward operators is gathering and processing large amounts of suspect data quickly. DOMEX analysis is useful and necessary but difficult to capture and assess without the proper equipment. Often, officers receive intelligence from a variety of electronic devices that can take a lot of time to process.

Triage-G2® PRO is the leading digital forensic triage software typically deployed in Biometric Kits for Sensitive Site Exploitation. Operators are trained in Triage-G2 PRO by ADF Solutions digital forensic specialists and certified trainers, which provides exploitation training as an intensive interactive course to prepare operators to gather Intel on-site. 

Download the Counter Terrorism White Paper

Sex Offender Management with Digital Forensics


The current system of offender supervision is often inefficient and poses an increased risk to public safety. Full forensic examinations are not practical for the majority of community supervision cases. 

Using ADF software, probation and parole officers can be easily trained to use Quick Search Profiles to quickly scan devices during the course of probation or parole check-ins.

ADF’s Digital Evidence Investigator PRO allows for the acquisition of all the evidence needed to successfully prosecute a case. DEI PRO is the all-in-one digital evidence forensics, triage, and media exploitation software built for speed, scalability, and ease of use for front-line investigators who need results.

Download the Probation Parole White Paper

Empowering ICAC Task Force Members: New Digital Forensic Technologies for Child Exploitation

Child exploitation is growing exponentially and ICAC Task Force members are at the front line of the fight.

WhitePaperCover-Cornerflip-ICACThe problem is serious and growing with an increase in reported online enticement attempts up over 230% in a four-year period.

The traditional digital forensics process can't keep up.  

Fortunately, there is a better way forward in the approach to solving child exploitation crimes and investigating the proliferation of child sexual abuse material. Investigators need tools that empower front-line investigators to make rapid determinations on-scene. 

Field forensics software, such as Mobile Device Investigator®, lets you collect, analyze and report on child exploitation cases at the start of your investigation so you can police with intelligence. The Mobile Device Investigator® software tool is user-friendly and requires minimal training since it is designed to be operated by front-line police, sheriffs, field agents, and investigators. Users can connect a suspect device via a USB port to quickly collect evidence and perform a fast logical acquisition of up to 4GB of data per minute.

Download the ICAC White Paper