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What is Forensic Triage?

Posted by Brittany Roberts on October 26, 2021
Brittany Roberts

What is Forensic Triage?During a criminal investigation, prioritizing the evidence is paramount to your success as an investigator. Filtering what is critical to the case and what isn't is the difference between the success and failure of an investigation. 

Forensic triage - sometimes referred to as "digital forensic triage" - is the process by which you collect, assemble, analyze, and prioritize digital evidence from a crime or investigation.

It's difficult to do this in a timely manner when you don't have the proper tools. Depending on the type of investigation, it's a process that can involve sorting through mountains of digital data. 

The challenge some investigators face is a lack of technical prowess when handling digital evidence. It's also difficult to analyze data when you're unsure of all the available digital evidence in an area. That's why you should use an automated file collection software that allows you to begin interpreting digital evidence on-scene immediately.

It's important to identify a platform that gives your investigators the tools needed to complete a comprehensive digital investigation. Here are some benefits you should look for in a digital forensic triage tool: 

  • Non-technical users should have no trouble using it. 
  • It should be highly configurable, allowing you to collect a diverse set of cached files, social media posts, P2P software, cryptocurrency, cloud storage, user login data, saved credentials, Skype files, USB history, and user connection logs. 
  • Supports collection of files from both Windows and Mac operating systems. 
  • Searches all available email platforms. 
  • Can collect password protected and potentially corrupted files. 

ADF Solutions offers that tool with its Triage Investigator. It's a simple-to-use software allowing you to analyze a diverse collection of files. It helps you process the available files quickly and efficiently, leading to faster investigations. 

Out-of-the-box and Custom Search Profiles empower investigators to pick Quick, Intermediate and Comprehensive scans to automatically identify Child Exploitation Material, Human Trafficking / Modern Slavery, fraud, cryptocurrency and other types of criminal activity. Read Everything You Need to Know about ADF Search Profiles to learn more

Talk to an ADF Expert

ADF Solutions is the proven leader in forensic triage. After all, we invented the approach in 2006. To revolutionize your forensic triage procedures today and lead your team to more cases solved, contact us

Topics: Digital Forensics, Triage-G2, Triage-Investigator, Triage, Microsoft Windows Forensics, Forensic Triage, Apple Mac Forensics

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