ADF digital forensic software is built to enable attorneys and prosecutors to identify, recover, and analyze Electronically Stored Information (ESI) quickly and easily. Over the years, the capabilities of digital forensics have grown. Being able to navigate digital forensics allows you to have a step up with your clients and cases.

Handle E-Discovery with ADF Software

Find Electronically Stored Information

In your law firm, use the evidence collected with forensic software from electronically stored information (ESI) to assist with prosecuting suspects


Collect Relevant Digital Evidence

Collect evidence from digital devices such as mobile and computer devices. Use forensic tools to gather actional intelligence to help build your case for court.

ICAC - Webinar Screenshot Summary
Help Gather Evidence for E-Discovery with ADF

How ADF Can Assist With Prosecutors’ CSAM Cases

With the use of ADF solutions digital forensic software prosecutors and attorneys can aid CSAM victims in seeking restitution and representing them in court. Obtaining the evidence needed to prosecute the abusers and locate CSAM helps prosecutors and attorneys empower their victims and end the cycle of their online abuse.

Record what the Suspect or Witness Sees

When you get there first, you have the ability to see the digital evidence exactly as your suspect or witness is seeing it - you may even have them walk you through the data screen by screen or scroll by scroll.With screenshots, you can capture evidence on mobile devices so you can present it to prosecutors exactly as you encountered it. You can also document what you capture to provide context related to your findings or the user and device-specific data which can become part of your case