
What it Means to be All In

"What's another word for obsessed?" said Bret, our CEO, when we were reviewing the responses to our internal Culture Code questionnaire. It was a theme that kept popping up, alongside words like "dedicated" and "invested". What amazed us when we looked at the responses was the feeling of being "All In" permeated the company across all departments. ADF's passion for results matches the passion our customers feel and the demonstrated dedication they have as digital first responders, field investigators and lab examiners.  

Our Team

We always love to meet top talent! Some of our team members spent their careers in law enforcement as detectives, investigators and as examiners in digital forensic labs. It can be tough to for career law enforcement professionals to transition from law enforcement to the corporate world. ADF makes that transition easy because you're surrounded by people like you. Individuals who have spent time on the front lines, working cases, and even training their law enforcement peers in digital forensics. If you have experience in, or an appetite for leveraging technology and you want to help investigators solve investigations, we just might be the company you are looking for. Visit the ADF Careers page to learn more about ADF and why we're considered one of the best technology companies to work for. 

Our Partners

As a global company, ADF relies on our strategic partners around the world. Like our team members, many of our partners have spent time in law enforcement or military roles in their countries and communities. Some have a sole interest in reselling the best digital forensic software, while others are focused on training, mentoring or delivering forensic services to the agencies, companies, and individuals in their communities. If you work for a digital forensic company and are interested in joining a world-class digital forensic partner program, visit our Partners Page to learn more about the benefits and apply to be an ADF partner

Our Customers

Our customers are our biggest fans. Most of them started just like you ... with a free trial. You can get started using ADF digital forensic software for free and you'll see how easy it is to quickly solve your investigation in the field, or back in the lab. To request a copy and see if you qualify, request your free trial today!

Yes, we're obsessed. We love digital forensics and we have a passion for results

See the ADF Culture Code

Want to join ADF and help make a positive impact on the world? Visit our careers page or contact us