How to Create Search Profiles with Mobile Device Investigator

Mobile Device Investigator (MDI) is the leading digital forensic triage tool for iOS and Android devices. In this short "How To" video, ADF's digital forensic specialist and trainer, Rich Frawley,..

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Learn How to Boot Scan a Microsoft Surface Pro

As a forensic investigator, there will come a time when you will come across the occasional computer that is difficult to get to the HDD and it may be encrypted by default, such as the Microsoft..

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ADF Launches New Digital Forensic Software Versions

Today, ADF is announcing the release of new digital forensic software versions for our products: 

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Forensic Focus Reviews Digital Evidence Investigator

"In summary, I would say DEI is one of the more intuitive tools I've used, because it guides you through your investigation step by step and could easily be used without much training"...

Are you..

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