Can I run multiple ADF tools on one computer?

How to run two or more different ADF tools on one computer

You can run different ADF Solutions Inc tools on the same computer providing you use different locations for the data files.
In the example shown Digital Evidence Investigator (DEI) is the first ADF tool installed.
An existing installation of DEI has a v4 folder which is located here
C:\ProgramData\ADF Solutions Inc\v4 
and contains a number of other folders which store Scan Results and any bespoke Search Profiles and File Captures.
Program Data - ADF Solutions Inc V4
All ADF tools use this V4 folder structure and it's best to keep these folders separate from each other.
So if you wish to install a  second ADF tool please follow the steps below. In the example shown Digital Evidence Investigator (DEI) is the first ADF tool installed and the second tool is Mobile Digital Investigator (MDI). If your first tool is Triage Investigator (TINV), MDI or G2 the steps are the same.
1.      Close the DEI tool.
2.      Navigate to C:\ProgramData\ADF Solutions Inc\v4
3.      Rename the V4 folder to V4_DEI
v4 DEI Program Data Folder
4.      Install MDI
Your C:\ProgramData\ADF Solutions Inc\ folder now contains 2 folders like those shown below
DEI ADF Program Data Folder
5.      Rename the V4 folder to v4_MDI.
So now your C:\ProgramData\ADF Solutions Inc\ folder looks like this shown below
V4 DEI and V4 MDI Program Data ADF Screen
5.      Start MDI
6.      When prompted insert the MDI authentication key.
An Error dialog box is displayed as shown below
Error Accessing Data Screenshot
7.      Click on the Settings button and edit the path to reflect your V4_MDI folder name -
         just add _MDI after the V4 in the Data Paths for Search Profiles, Scan Results, Android/iOS Backup and Licenses Backup as shown below
Settings - Backed Up Licenses Screen
8.      Click on the OK button. 
9.      If prompted to insert your Authentication Key please do so and follow the prompts
10.      Click on OK when alerted to Search Profiles and Captures being created
Missing Data Screen
Now you need to restore your DEI folders so do the following
11.      Navigate to C:\ProgramData\ADF Solutions Inc
12.      Rename the folder V4 to V4_tmp
13.      Rename V4_DEI to V4
Your C:\ProgramData\ADF Solutions Inc folder now looks like this
C:\ProgramData\ADF Solutions Inc folder
and your DEI installation and new MDI installation will now work alongside each other on the same machine.