How do I sanitize a report?

To sanitize a report the columns in the analysis view must be hidden prior to creating the report.

When creating a report with child exploitation material it is necessary to have the report sanitized or have no images present in the report.

In order to remove the images from the report you must first know which captures have results that need to be hidden.

  • On the Navigation Toolbar select Pictures 
  • On the Function Toolbar in the Pictures view select Filter
  • In the Filter pane select Captures (These are the captures we need to hide the preview)
  • Navigate to the first capture and select Columns on the Function Toolbar
  • In the Columns Pane un-check the Preview Column (you will see the column disappear in the tables view
  • Repeat for each capture
  • Create Report - The preview column is no longer seen in the report

See the video here