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DFIR Capture the Flag for NW3C

Posted by ADF Solutions on April 1, 2020
ADF Solutions

The National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) recently kicked off a weekly Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Capture the Flag (CTF) competition. Individuals can join the free challenge to hone their digital forensic skills and test their knowledge. 

For the competition beginning the week of April 6th, ADF is contributing a handmade wooden American flag made by our partner - Flags of Valor, a veteran-owned US firm that employs combat veterans transitioning to civilian life.    

While there are different types of Capture the Flag games, this CTF competition is focused on questions and series of questions related to digital forensics and incident response topics. 

NW3C was inspired to create this competition by the Flare-On challenge hosted every year by FireEye and to prepare for the competition, the organizers recommend a handful of tools to compete:

  • A terminal for Windows, Mac or Linux
  • A tool such as CyberChef for obfuscation, compression, encryption
  • A SQLite database utility
  • A text editor
  • An archive tool such as 7-Zip
  • An inspection tool
  • Others

Each of the weekly challenges is designed to test your knowledge and help you keep your DFIR skills sharp with games that can be solved using open source tools on Windows, MacOS, and Linux platforms. The NW3C development team tests all three platforms and their audit team tests the game to make sure it is solvable. 

While there are different types of CTFs including Jeopardy style (most common) and Attack & Defense CTFs, this version is usually a unique question or series of questions with points awarded for each challenge. Every challenge has one or multiple flags that needs to be recovered. 

Play NW3C Capture the Flag

Topics: Digital Forensics, Incident Response, DFIR, White Collar Crime, AllinForensics

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