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2020 Northwest ICAC Conference

Posted by ADF Solutions on October 28, 2019
ADF Solutions

2020 Northwest ICAC Conference (1)The 2020 Northwest Regional ICAC Conference, has been announced for October 5-9, 2020. The conference is a multi-state, multi-disciplinary Internet Crimes Against Children event which provides training to prosecutors, digital forensic examiners, sheriffs, police investigators and ICAC Task Force members.  

The conference, sponsored by the Seattle Police Department and Northwest ICAC Task Force in partnership with Microsoft, offers an extensive program that includes pre-conference training, as well as lecture and lab training at the Microsoft corporate campus. This comprehensive training aims to equip attendees with the necessary knowledge and skills to combat internet crimes against children effectively.

One of the key focuses of the conference is investigating child sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Experts from various computer crime and high-tech units, as well as federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, will share their expertise and insights on these critical topics. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, techniques, and tools used by criminals in perpetrating such heinous crimes. Moreover, they will also learn about the best practices and strategies for effectively investigating and solving crimes against children.

The conference aims to create a learning environment where attendees can interact and collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds. This includes digital forensic software companies that will showcase cutting-edge technologies and solutions that can aid in the investigation and prosecution of internet crimes against children.

By bringing together experts and practitioners in the field, the conference serves as a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and fostering collaboration among law enforcement agencies and organizations dedicated to protecting children. It provides an opportunity for attendees to learn from the experiences and successes of others, ultimately enhancing their capabilities in combating internet crimes against children.

Overall, the conference promises to be a valuable and enlightening event that will equip attendees with essential knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively tackle the challenges posed by internet crimes against children. Through collaboration and shared expertise, law enforcement agencies and organizations can work together to protect and safeguard the most vulnerable members of our society.

2020 Northwest Regional ICAC Conference
October 5-9, 2020 
Redmond, Washington, USA

Trainers and presenters will include detectives from various computer crime and high-tech units, as well as federal, state, and local law enforcement agents and digital forensic software companies. 

Watch: How to Investigate Child Exploitation Cases

Topics: Law Enforcement, Digital Forensics, United States, Project Vic, Digital Evidence Investigator, Crimes Against Children, Sheriff, District Attorney, Mobile Forensics, ICAC Task Force, IIOC

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