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2019 NLETC ICAC Training in Georgia

Posted by ADF Solutions on February 5, 2019
ADF Solutions

NLETC 2019 (1)Following the recent ICAC Task Force Commanders Meeting, the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program announced the date and location of the 2019 National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation. 

Dates: June 11-13, 2019

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

The 3-day national training event is restricted to law enforcement and correctional officers as well as prosecutors dedicated to investigating and prosecuting technology-facilitated crimes against children.  

Last year, more than 1,400 prosecutors and law enforcement professionals from throughout the government attended the training conference which featured 127 labs and lecture workshops focused on the elimination and prevention of technology and internet facilitated crimes against children.

You should attend if you are a member of an ICAC Task Force, or work on child exploitation cases.  Attendees include:  

  • Law Enforcement Officers
  • Correction Officers
  • Probation Officers
  • Prosecutors

Attendees from City, Local, State, Federal and Tribal agencies represented the U.S., U.S. Territories, U.K., Canada, Australia, Guatemala, and India. 

Stop Child Exploitation NLETC 2019NLETC speakers represent subject matter experts in the fight against child exploitation including the Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), federal agencies, city and local law enforcement, state prosecutors, and law enforcement, industry and non-governmental organizations. 

The DOJ post-conference report lists last year's popular workshops included: 

  • Mobile Device Triage 
  • Basics of CyberTip Investigations
  • Sexting Among Teens
  • Interviewing Child Pornography Targets
  • Introduction to Online Undercover Chat
  • Introduction to VPNs 
  • Instagram Catfishing Case Study

In 2018, ADF Digital Forensic Specialist, Rich Frawley, hosted a hands-on lab session: "Getting Started with ADF Digital Evidence Investigator & ICAC Investigations" which taught attendees how to prepare a collection key, perform a live scan and a boot scan, quickly review triage results, and how to configure a scan for a child exploitation case.  

Register for NLETC

See other Internet Crimes Against Children training events, HTCIA conferences, and upcoming Law Enforcement Conferences.

Topics: Cyber Crime, Law Enforcement, United States, Crimes Against Children, ICAC, technology, ICAC Task Force

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