In our digital world, there is a mountain of data in virtually every investigation. ADF’s comprehensive investigation platform provides a single, forensically sound workflow to help you get the intelligence you need fast from field to lab to prosecution.

Intelligent Digital Forensic Software

Key Benefits

  • Quickly identify and collect files and artifacts and use data analysis to correlate people, events, and files.
  • Quickly generate and share court-ready reports, and take self-paced, online affordable training.

Investigate Faster with ADF digital forensic tools T

Key Features

  • Screenshot/Screen Record Mobile Devices with Instant Mobile Preview and Scan iOS and Android Devices
  • Facial Analytics & Age Group Recognition
  • Built-In and Custom Search Profiles
  • Scan Windows, Linux, and Mac Devices

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Investigate Devices in the Field and Lab

Speed investigations and reduce forensic backlogs by giving Digital First Responders access to ADF’s automated cyber investigation tools which can be used on-scene to triage devices, and collect evidence from witness, victim, and suspect devices.

Evergreen Field & Lab DEI PRO - Tw

Utilize ADF For Your Investigations

ADF makes collecting mobile and computer evidence easy with our all-in-one forensic software tools. ADF software leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to make complex digital evidence investigation tasks easier.

Scan Computers and Smartphones on-scene with the DEI PRO Field Tablet T
Sole Source Justification

Convince Your Boss Kit

Learn more about how ADF can be the right fit for your organization with information on our resources, training, purchasing, and grants.

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