How The ADF Cloud Platform Is Revolutionizing Digital Forensics

Forensic examiners, forensic analysts, and law enforcement officers face a critical challenge in processing and analyzing large amounts of digital evidence.

How to Combat the UK's Growing Forensics Backlog

Forensic backlogs are an increasing concern for many law enforcement agencies. Forensic backlogs are an increasing concern for many law enforcement agencies. Agencies must shift from simply..

Learn Mac Forensics: Mac Boot for M1 and T2 Chips | DFIR for Computers

ADF tools have the ability to scan all available Mac computers (M1 and T2 chips) with all types of encryption and virtual drives by running a remote agent that communicates with the desktop..

7 Tips for Reducing Your Forensic Backlog

Today’s investigators and prosecutors are very familiar with the extreme difficulty in child exploitation cases: getting through your forensic backlog to get to the data in time. Law enforcement..

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