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3 Dark Web Forensics Tips To Help You Get Off On The Right Foot

Posted by JP Redding on January 6, 2023
JP Redding

As you may know, the dark web is one of the most complex and secretive networks out there that many criminal and intelligence networks use to attack civilians and federal systems. In addition, much of the online child exploitive material and stolen identities are committed using the dark web. As tools are being developed to explore these criminals' hidden servers and chatrooms, law enforcement professionals and investigators still need a process to investigate these types of crimes quickly but with absolute thoroughness.

Tip 1: Understand the risks of maneuvering the dark web. 

The dark web is not monitored by corporate or government agencies. The links that you click on the dark web may be traps to infect your computer with malware or ransomware. Using a personal or corporate computer may be irreparably damaged by these visits. Another thing to consider is that you do not know who is watching you as you maneuver. Just because the dark web offers a level of anonymity that someone is gathering information as you are browsing that dark web server or site. Information that they can use to steal your identity or financial records. So when deciding to investigate the dark web make sure your computer is secure and does not hold any private information. This can help minimize the amount of damage a criminal can do if they are analyzing the computer.

Tip 2: Where in the world is this dark web server?

The dark web is available every and can be accessed anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. That being said you need to make sure that your agency or department has jurisdiction to investigate this case. This is why you want to involve other agencies if needed. You can compromise an entire case by forgetting to involve the proper authorities. In addition, if this crime is in multiple countries, more agencies pooling resources together to investigate may lead to quicker arrests and convictions. It also reduces the risk of these criminals evading the authorities in areas or countries where they think no one will look for them. 

Tip 3: Go in with a plan

The best way to avoid worst-case scenarios is by planning ahead. Poking around an unsecure site is just asking for trouble. If you know what you're looking for, go in with a search design set and get out. Going in too deep or poking around for information that people don't want your eyes looking at will raise alarms. This may cause the criminals responsible to go underground and start destroying evidence, causing the likelihood of convicting these criminals to evaporate.

What to think about before you plan a search?

  • What evidence do you need to make a conviction
  • Do you have the proper warrants needed to search
  • Do other agencies or departments need to be notified
  • Where it is most likely located on the dark web
  • Do you have the software needed to collect and analyze the evidence?

When you are ready to search a location or a computer with this evidence, expect to be looking at terabytes of information. Using DEI PRO will help sort and prioritize evidence quickly without missing anything.

We hope this article helps you in your investigations.

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