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3 Reasons Why You Need Police Evidence Management Software

Posted by ADF Solutions on September 21, 2022
ADF Solutions

As technology continues to change, police departments must look for ways to increase efficiency and management, and one area that requires continuous innovation is police evidence management.

 A variety of police investigations involve the collection and analysis of evidence from a crime scene. With today’s changes in technology, many crimes are occurring through online networks as well, increasing the number of cases for investigation. It is imperative that police departments be equipped with the proper software and tools to handle the management of cases in a timely manner. Without resources such as evidence management software, police departments may find themselves with an overwhelming backlog of forensic evidence.

Why You Need Police Evidence Management Software 

If you're looking for a way to improve your police department's evidence management process, then you should consider investing in police evidence management software for several reasons…

  1. Analyze evidence collected - scan results
    • With police evidence management software, devices that are collected at a crime scene can be scanned and analyzed. Data collection can range from documents, files, media, audio, memory, web history, deleted files, and more. 
    • It also gives investigators the ability to collect these different types of data and sort them in an accessible manner.
  2. Track usage of your forensic tool
    • Obtain the ability to see who in your department is using the tool and how they're using it. 
    • Knowing how employees are using the tool allows police departments to visualize scan data, see which devices are encountered the most, and adjust their resources according to their needs.
    • Departments will have knowledge of how long scans take, how much data is collected, and what type of devices are processed.
  3. Reduce your forensic backlog in the lab
    • Departments can easily become overwhelmed by the number of electronic devices that may be submitted to the lab for analysis. 
    • Having police evidence management software ensures forensic labs analyze incoming evidence as quickly and as accurately as possible. 
    • Evidence must be handled correctly and analyzed according to department protocols to be used in the court of law and aid in prosecutions. Police evidence management software assists with this by providing investigators with a shareable report. 

ADF’s new Cloud Platform makes evidence management accessible. The ADF Cloud Platform is designed to host web-based digital forensic applications developed by ADF Solutions. The ADF Cloud Platform serves as the foundation for new capabilities including a token server and audit trail. 

With the Token Server, your agency gets on-demand software license management, cost control, and the ability to check in and check out licenses. The Audit Trail gathers usage data related to scanning and imaging of mobile devices and computers, from the ADF desktop applications and presents this information in graphs.

Having access to this usage data gives agencies the power to better manage the resources. Justifying expansion needs to meet department demands is also made simple with easy-to-view statistics. 

Learn more about the ADF Cloud Platform

Topics: Digital Forensics, Police, Cloud Computing Forensics, Digital Evidence, Cloud Forensics

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