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ADF Introduces the Culture Code

Posted by Gina Cristiano on January 8, 2020
Gina Cristiano

We could have just written a mission statement. Maybe we’d throw in some core values, and hit you with some motivational quotes from great thought leaders. We could have done that, but that’s not the ADF way. ADF is an innovator, so we took those ideas and went further. Meet our Culture Code: a living, breathing set of standards, principles, values, and goals that we put our hearts and souls into as a team, because we are #AllinForensics

Our #CultureCode demonstrates our commitment to create the best digital forensic software on the market, create amazing products, and deliver legendary service. We live this LEGEND every day.

Culture Code - LEGEND Version for Comment (6)

The ADF Culture Code is built for LEGENDs: 

  • L - Lead and Learn
  • E - Engage and Energize
  • G - Grow, Innovate, and Obsess
  • E - Encourage Others
  • N - Nurture Relationships
  • D - Dig into the Details

We lead and learn with a willingness to teach others. By communicating clearly and frequently with both kindness and positivity, we engage and energize others. ADF grows, innovates, and obsesses with transparency and understanding of our passions. We help others achieve their goals and celebrate their successes. Our relationships are nurtured by giving back and serving others with humility. Finally, we always dig into the details by understanding the reason and impact of the work we have chosen to do. 

The power of a Culture Code lies in its effects; not just on ADF Solutions, but on others. We’re guided by our Culture Code every day, and it informs how we do business and who we conduct business with. It affects who we hire, and the standards we hold both them and us to uphold. It’s how we choose to partner with others and how we build our product.

We encourage you to learn more, ask more, and like us, strive to be more. Live the LEGEND. 

See the ADF Culture Code

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Topics: Digital Forensics, Computer Forensics, Mobile Device Forensics, Cyber Forensics, Digital Evidence, Culture Code, AllinForensics

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