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Eric Lunser: Digital Forensic Intern Spotlight

Posted by Will Elder on January 31, 2022
Will Elder

ADF Solutions has long been the standard in on-scene forensic examination of digital devices for all types of investigations. Our law enforcement customers are routinely called on to handle all types of investigations, including many that are disturbing in nature, such as child exploitation cases. Along with the stressful workload, law enforcement professionals are often portrayed in a negative light. Members of the Law Enforcement community are selflessly helping every day both in and out of the work environment. We would like to showcase the good work being done by the law enforcement community, beginning with ADF's current Digital Forensic Intern and member of the New York State Police (NYSP), Eric Lunser.eric lunser

While interning for ADF, Eric is working on his Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Forensics and Digital Investigation enrolled at Champlain College. Eric has been assisting with writing training modules and testing ADF triage and digital forensic tools. In his full-time capacity with the NYSP, Eric is assigned as an investigator to a New York Computer Crime Unit (CCU).  In Eric’s twenty-year career he has patrolled in several patrol environments and investigated incidents ranging from vehicle and traffic generated crimes to major crimes. His duties as a member of the NYSP CCU include but are not limited to being a member of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC), assisting other New York State Police stations/units as well as other county and local agencies. Eric has acquired specialized training and certifications involved in the handling, parsing, and examining of computers and digital evidence. 

Off duty, Eric has been a supporter of the Special Olympics and their events around the Hudson Valley of New York. Eric has put together a Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run every May that honors a fallen member of the New York State Police that was last assigned in Troop F.  All the proceeds of the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run go to local athletes of the Special Olympics. In 2021, Eric joined the Special Olympics New York City Marathon Team. He trained for twenty weeks, running miles in all kinds of weather while raising donations. When Eric crossed the finish line in Central Park, the team had raised over $126,000 dollars. In addition, Eric organized the first annual Hudson Valley Polar Plunge held at Greenwood Lake, NY. For this first annual event, approximately 35 individuals participated in nine teams raising over $8,000 dollars. Ever moving forward, Eric will finish his degree in the Spring of 2022 and he will continue to work in his assigned Computer Crime Unit while continuing his desire to be a lifelong learner by completing further computer forensic certifications and gaining other related competencies. 

Let us know what you or other law enforcement professionals are doing to help your community, whether on or off the job! 

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Topics: Law Enforcement, ICAC, Computer Forensics, ICAC Task Force, Computer Triage

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