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How ADF Tools use Search Profiles

Posted by Richard T. Frawley on October 20, 2021
Richard T. Frawley

The ADF Solutions suite of products are designed to get you to the relevant information in your digital forensic investigation, in a short amount of time so that decisions can be made. We at ADF understand that every department, agency, task force, or company is not going to be the same and therefore a cookie cutter approach to collecting the data is not appropriate for the task at hand. Our products, such as Digital Evidence Investigator for computer forensics and Mobile Device Investigator for mobile forensics give you the ability to obtain data from devices with different methods so that you can zero in on your targeted information with speed and accuracy. PRO versions combine both computer and mobile in one product.


When encountering mobile devices we give you instant access with Mobile Preview and Mobile Screenshot capability prior to having to acquire the data, saving time and making decisions upfront, then an advanced logical acquisition can be obtained and the data extracted and parsed. When encountering computers and computer devices we give you the ability to target your information and collect exactly what you are looking for with our Search Profiles. Search Profiles can be utilized with our default base profiles, or edited, customized, or created to suit your operational needs. No matter the type of cases you are working or the operating systems you are encountering, ADF tools can assist and enhance you with your digital forensics and triage capabilities.

Search Profiles have two functions to help your digital forensic workflow and triage capabilities. 

  1. Automate artifact extraction and record presentation for analysis
  2. Collect files based on properties, hashes, or keywords

Combining these two functions allow you to get very granular in your collection of digital data and quest for evidential material. You, as an investigator or examiner, get to choose which artifacts are right for your case, which files you would like to collect and where you would like to focus your collection. Search Profiles can also be configured to automatically tag the most important items in your investigation and start image classification and age detection after the collection has finished. Add to this all the combined features all in one tool, RAM collection, imaging, analysis, linking user intervention upon files, and reporting.

Search Profiles are an important part of the ADF suite of tools and are very easy to master. A good understanding of customizing Search Profiles can ease your backlog, save you investigative time and money, and allow you to make solid decisions while on-scene.

Watch the Search Profiles Webinar Tutorial

Topics: Digital Forensics, Search Profiles, Custom Search Profiles

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