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Sparking Interest in Digital Forensics Careers

Posted by Charissa Ramia on March 5, 2020
Charissa Ramia

ADF is delighted to announce the work we did with the 114th Partnership to create a new Spark 101 STEM Skills video titled "Computational Thinking in Forensic Software Development." The video highlights careers in the digital forensics field and is available as a free resource to teachers seeking to foster students' interest in careers in STEM:

Spark101 STEM Video - ADF Solutions Digital Forensic Careers in the United States
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Math

"ADF Solutions, based in Bethesda, MD, was selected as this Spark 101 video's featured organization because of its position as an innovative leader in digital forensics and software development, as well as its tireless commitment to encouraging young people’s interest in STEM careers," stated Tiffany Godbout, President of  the 114th Partnership. 

The digital forensic training video is now one of many resources for in-classroom middle and high school teachers who seek to inspire their students and showcase learning and career pathways to jobs in STEM. Teachers can easily use the video as they teach since it is broken up into three categories: 

  1. The Problem - A challenge the organization has encountered 
  2. The Solution - Students are given several possible solution outcomes so they can work in small groups to review solutions and engage in critical thinking to decide which solution is best for the business. Following the group work, the teacher discuss the solution options and will then play the video to share the choice the business made and why they made it. 
  3.  Pathways - Since students have been able to get to know the organization through the video and learn from key team members, the team members they've met in the videos share the pathways they took to their STEM careers -- in this case, in digital forensics.  

The Spark 101 platform allows students to easily understand how technology is applied and utilized, which reflects the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Student Standards of Innovative Designer and Computational Thinker, among others. The 114th Partnership has worked with employers and educators to provide real world on-the-job- career challenges since 2002 and ADF was delighted to participate with the Spark 101 team. 

"As a global leader in digital forensics and a company committed to furthering the cause of justice, our company depends on the talented, intelligent and committed team members who develop our software and grow our business," stated Bret Peters, CEO of ADF Solutions. "We seek to attract and retain team members with strong STEM mindsets which is why we are delighted to team with Spark 101 to help educate young people on the benefits of careers in STEM." 

The work with Spark 101 gave ADF the opportunity to help prepare a technology-focused workforce for the 21st Century. 

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Topics: Digital Forensics, Careers, Triage, Culture Code, AllinForensics

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