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2019 Northwest ICAC Conference at Microsoft

Posted by Bradford Oliver on October 8, 2019
Bradford Oliver


October 2019 kicks off with the 5th Annual Northwest Regional ICAC Conference, a multi-state, multi-disciplinary event designed to provide lecture and lab training to prosecutors, digital forensic lab examiners, and law enforcement investigators focused on the investigation and prosecution of technology and Internet facilitated crimes against children. 

Investigate & Prosecute

2019 Northwest ICAC ConferenceThe conference sponsored by the Seattle ICAC Task Force in partnership with Microsoft, features pre-conference training and three days of specialized hands-on lab training and lectures within Microsoft's Redmond headquarters campus.  ICAC Conference topics will range from investigating human trafficking and child sexual exploitation (CSAM) topics to tools, tips, and best practices for solving technology crimes against children. 

2019 Northwest Regional ICAC Conference
October 7-8 Pre-Confrence | October 9-11 Conference
Redmond, Washington, USA

Presenters and Trainers will include detectives from various high tech and computer crime units, state and federal law enforcement officials, as well as local police, sheriff and special agents along with digital forensic software and solution providers.  Topics will include: 

  • The Fundamentals of Prosecuting ICAC Cases
  • The Role of Digital Evidence in a 21st Century Trial
  • Data Exploitation & Cyber Investigation Best Practices
  • Dark Web Investigation Techniques
  • Solving ICAC Investigations with Digital Evidence Investigator PRO
  • Exploits to Recover App Data from Android Devices
  • Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Deep Web Investigations
  • Computer Forensics for Prosecutors
  • Prosecuting ICAC Cases for Prosecutors
  • Combating and Prosecuting ICAC Cases
  • Hidden Gems in CyberTip Reports: Industry and NCMEC Perspective of Reporting
  • Data Collection for LE 101 - Finances, Bitcoin & Rules
  • Cyberbullying, Sextortion and High Tech Manipulation / Grooming
  • Blockchain Analytics and Investigations
  • MacOS Forensic Artifacts and Techniques
  • Bittorrent Investigations
  • Smartphone Forensics
  • DFIR Innovations, Advancements and Game-Changing Technology for Investigators
  • Getting Evidence from the Cloud
  • Crypto Currency Investigation Tips

ADF Digital Forensic Specialist and Trainer, Richard T. Frawley, will be teaching and training in the NW3C lab on Mobile Device Investigator and Digital Evidence Investigator and each participant will receive a free trial of Digital Evidence Investigator PRO so they can start their digital investigation back in their forensic lab or on-scene during their next investigation. 

Request an ADF Trial License

Topics: Law Enforcement, Digital Forensics, United States, Project Vic, Digital Evidence Investigator, Crimes Against Children, Mobile Device Forensics, Sheriff, District Attorney, Mobile Forensics, ICAC Task Force, IIOC, Child Exploitation, DEI PRO

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