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3 Benefits of Digital Forensic Triage

Posted by Richard T. Frawley on December 24, 2018
Richard T. Frawley

3 Benefits of Digital Forensic TriageThe term triage naturally brings to mind a medical emergency where you need to get in quickly, assess the damage and deal with the most serious problems first. Digital forensic triage has the same application but it's applied to a crime scene or investigation which involves computers or other digital media. Standard forensic methods normally take place in a forensic lab where a trained forensic examiner would perform a complete examination. Digital triage is a front line step in saving time and reaching satisfactory results faster.

Benefit #1 - Prioritize Immediately

Digital triage is designed to quickly review digital evidence for information relevant to the investigation and prioritize it. The goal is to weed out irrelevant material and to focus the investigation on evidence relevant to what the investigator is looking for. A full analysis may ultimately need to be completed eventually. Sorting through seized digital media early on prioritizes evidence and enables you to target the investigation to find what you are looking for quickly either on-scene or in the lab.

Benefit #2 - Save Crucial Time

Time is often crucial to an investigation and digital forensic triage can save time. When trained personnel are able to digitally triage computers they can quickly determine which files and artifacts are relevant to the investigation. This saves hours of manpower trying to look at every device and find the one grain of important evidence hidden on it.

Benefit #3 - Avoid Evidence Pile Up

Evidence lockers are full of old computers, laptops and other electronic devices from the old tradition of seizing it all to sort it out later.  Our digital forensic triage software helps cut down on that problem by allowing investigators to scan and assess devices to determine if they hold information pertinent to the case. If not, they can quickly move on and not worry about taking it in custody. This way the devices can be more accurately prioritized for their evidentiary value.

These are just three examples of the many ways forensic triage can help an investigation and save time.  Discover the benefits of Digital Forensic Triage for yourself. 

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Watch: Benefits of Digital Forensic Triage (On-Demand)

Learn how to conduct an initial investigation quickly based on its scope using digital forensic triage. Benefits of Digital Forensic TriageThe benefits of triage? Just think; if 90% of cases can be solved with 10% of the data, you have an opportunity to quickly identify and protect victims, determine suspects, and even solve your case early.

Learn how triage allows you to prioritize evidence, make decisions on the need for a further deep dive into the data, or just to gain peace of mind, based on the facts.

ADF empowers front-line field investigators and lab examiners to investigate on-scene or in the lab to quickly preview evidence on-scene, seize the appropriate devices, take a suspect into custody, identify any and all victims and prioritize devices in the lab. ADF investigation tools include:

  • Instant Mobile Preview
  • Screenshot Mobile Phones with OCR Text Analysis
  • Facial Analytics & Age Recognition 
  • Built-in and Custom Search Profiles
  • Automatic and manual Image Classification and Tagging
  • Report customizations to Sanitize for Court or Prosecutors

Watch: Benefits of Digital Forensic Triage

Topics: Digital Forensics, Triage-G2, Triage-Investigator, Triage, Forensic Triage

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