ADF Solutions has been committed to the forensic market for well over 15 years and has continually improved its product offerings as we continue to move forward. As a company, we are focused on solutions … it’s even in our name. You’re trying to solve investigations. We’re focused on developing technology solutions that will help you do your job faster with a primary focus of helping you protect victims. A pretty good reason to wake up and go to work each day.
As a company, our technological foundations are rooted in forensic triage. Our early years were spent creating software specifically for image identification and analysis for child exploitation. Our immediate value as a triage tool was in providing on-scene intelligence and capture of potential evidentiary information and has since morphed into solutions that are easier to use for investigators and which help reduce case backlogs.
What has transpired over the years has been an evolution of our forensic software technology to not merely include support for hundreds of file types and artifacts, but a better way to link all that information quicker than any other solution on the market. The theme has remained consistent in our mission statement: help investigators and examiners get to the relevant information faster.
Computer Forensics for macOS
In our last release we took a bold step forward with the ability to access the new M1 and T2 Mac computers by directly connecting to an ADF workstation. That release also brought the software up to date with the latest Mac software including Big Sur. With our new release, we have improved that ability and given forensic examiners and investigators three different options for connecting to macOS computers.
With ADF software tools, investigators can now connect to Mac computers via direct ethernet connection using recovery mode and the ADF Remote Agent. Direct ethernet connection and recovery mode are the preferred methods as it is faster and give you access to more data.