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Sensitive Site Exploitation: Speed and Targeting

Posted by Charissa Ramia on April 28, 2020
Charissa Ramia

Empowering front-line military operators and intelligence agents. 

Sensitive Site Exploitation_ Speed and TargetingMilitary officers, intelligence gatherers, and forward operators are all familiar with the term Sensitive Site Exploitation. For those who aren’t, Sensitive Site Exploitation, otherwise known as SSE, is the systematic search and collection of information, material, and persons from a specific location as well as the analysis of that information in order to answer mission questions, assist in future operations, or support prosecution. 

The benefits of SSE are considerable; according to the US Army, technical exploitation, in particular, helps build an understanding of threat capabilities, fosters intelligence, and helps support proactive movements and positions to minimize, neutralize, or defeat threats. 

Speed and targeting in sensitive site exploitation works within a general four-step framework:

  • Search
  • Collect
  • Analyze
  • Disseminate

While on-site, operators may be required to find a variety of forms of data such as:

  • Biometric data including retina scans, fingerprints, and more
  • Forensic data
  • Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX)
  • Electronic Media Exploitation (MEDEX)
  • Communications and cell phone data (CELLEX)

In the traditional, deliberate model of SSE, forces may transfer select information gathered on-site to a facility that is capable of conducting analysis and producing intelligence. 

However, as technology evolves and site exploitation capabilities expand, future military forces and intelligence officers will be expected to perform more technologically advanced activities on-site, particularly in hasty operations. Hasty site exploitation means that operators will be required to perform actions with minimal preparation, planning, and time, and must rely on intuition to take advantage of the situation and gain as much data as possible. 

The constraints of time-sensitive site exploitation require the rapid extraction of data to gain the most digital forensic value. Military personnel and intelligence officers know that speed and targeting are the most important components in their toolkit to complete SSE successfully. 

Triage-G2 PRO is ADF’s fully automated media exploitation tool used to rapidly scan, extract, and analyze critical intelligence from digital devices including iOS/Android devices, computers, USB devices and storage media. 

Benefits to users include:

  • Performing rapid triage of iOS and Android devices with minimal steps
  • Gaining access to English gisting of foreign documents, emails, and communications while on target, in the FOB, or EAC.
  • Rapidly identifying and viewing “relevant” pictures, videos, email and text communications and exploring user activity around files of interest.
  • Processing over 30 different entity types in documents, emails  and text communications in over 230 languages
  • Full automation with minimal user interaction
  • Optimal configuration for time spent on target (e.g. 5, 25, 30 minutes, etc.)

Benefits to military organizations include:

  • Reducing software licensing costs: If an agency has multiple mobile and computer forensic tools, then significant savings can be realized by replacing mobile and computer tools with Triage-G2 PRO.
  • Reducing kit size: Triage-G2 PRO requires no proprietary hardware and can run on any Windows tablet with minimal specifications.
  • Reducing training costs: Triage-G2 PRO training can be done in 1-day. Training for traditional forensic tools is significantly longer and more expensive.

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Topics: Triage-G2, Force Protection, Forward Operator, Military, Site Exploitation, Triage-Investigator PRO

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