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What is Sensitive Site Exploitation?

Posted by ADF Solutions on January 28, 2019
ADF Solutions

Sensitive Site Exploitation ADF Triage-G2Sensitive Site Exploitation refers to techniques used by military and intelligence officers to collect and exploit captured equipment, media and documents in theaters of operation around the world.  The process of exploiting sensitive or tactical sites to gather intelligence from targets for counter terrorism, force protection, or other national security needs is performed by forward operators using exploitation kits that can: 

  • Capture biometric data (retina scan, finger prints, etc.)
  • Collect and analyze personal documents (DOCEX)
  • Exploit electronic media (MEDEX)
  • Collect and analyze communications and cell phone data (CELLEX)

The digital collection, analysis and reporting aspects of sensitive site exploitation together are often referred to as DOMEX. Operators are typically provided with a site exploitation kit or field forensic lab which includes the necessary hardware, software and equipment to inventory, acquire and analyze all aspects of a site including:  

  • Digital photography, documents, electronic media
  • Material collection and pattern evidence
  • Latent prints 
  • Suspect biometric intelligence 
  • Drug, explosives (including post-blast evidence) and trace material testing

Operators are also typically enabled with equipment to communicate relevant data to reachback facilities and resources for additional analysis and decision making. 

Triage-G2® is the leading digital forensic triage software typically deployed in Biometric Kits for Sensitive Site Exploitation focused on computer and media exploitation. Designed for non-technical operators with a simple 2-step process, Triage-G2® will rapidly scan, extract, and analyze critical intelligence from computers and digital devices. The tool can be deployed in the field for reconnaissance on a small, portable USB key.

Operators are trained in Triage-G2 by ADF Solutions digital forensic specialists and certified trainers or by the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) which provides exploitation training as an intensive interactive course to prepare operators to gather intelligence on-site. 

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Topics: Triage-G2, Special Operations, Cybersecurity, Triage, Government, Mobile Triage Kits, Force Protection, Military, Special Forces, Digital Devices, Counter Terrorism, DOMEX, Site Exploitation, Sensitive Site Exploitation

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