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Keeping Up to Date With Digital Evidence Investigator PRO

Posted by Richard T. Frawley on March 15, 2022
Richard T. Frawley

When investigating computer crimes and being called on to conduct computer forensics or forensic phone analysis in the field, it is good to be ready for whatever comes your way. One phrase you commonly hear when talking to anyone in the cybercrime arena is “there has to be more than one tool in the toolbox”, and this is a very true statement, no one tool does it all, and all tools do it slightly differently. You do not use a large Phillips screwdriver to remove a small screw from a picture frame and you do not use an eyeglass screwdriver to remove a wood screw, this is because you know your tools and your toolbox.

When your investigation takes you onto the field, whether at a client's business or out on a search warrant, you're going to have the best triage tool available to you in your toolbox that can get you what you are looking for, fast, with an easy to use interface. There is no doubt ADF knows triage, we have been specializing in it for years and are the go-to tool in many on-scene go bags. That's why we have all-in-one forensic tools that integrate android forensic analysis and iPhone forensic analysis. Having a tool in your bag for years that you rely on is awesome, but can lead to complacency and not keeping up with everything the tool can do for you. Maybe it is your new tool and you are just getting your feet wet, what do we do when we are not sure what its capabilities are? Little things can make a big difference. 

Training is the best way to learn about what you are using and should be a requirement when purchasing something new. As we all know, sometimes everything we learn in an initial class is not retained and refresher classes are most helpful. ADF keeps you up to date with:

Watch DEI PRO: Tips and Tricks

Topics: Digital Forensics, Digital Evidence Investigator, Internet Investigation, Computer Forensics, Mobile Triage Kits, Computer Forensic Lab, Mobile Forensics, DEI PRO, Digital Evidence, Forensic Artifacts, Computer Triage

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