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2018 Florida ICAC Conference to Solve Internet Crimes Against Children

Posted by Richard T. Frawley on December 11, 2018
Richard T. Frawley

2018 Florida ICAC Training Symposium - Sponsored by ADF SolutionsThe Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, along with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Child Abduction Response Team (CART) and Offender Registration and Enforcement once again hosted the Florida ICAC Training Symposium. 

The 3-day conference was created to expand the efforts and knowledge base of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors by providing highly specialized training focused on investigating and prosecuting technology-facilitated crimes against children.

ADF's digital forensic specialist and trainer, Richard T. Frawley, provided training for On-Scene Digital Investigation Best Practices: From CyberTip to Court Ready Paperwork, showcasing the use of Digital Evidence Investigator® to quickly solve crimes involving indecent images of children either in the field or in the forensic lab. 

Rich's presentation focused on methods to streamline a digital investigation by quickly identifing and collecting files and artifacts; analyzing the data to correlate people, events and files; and quickly generating shareable court ready reports.

Rich taught a section of ADF's Digital First Responder® Training to show how to:

  • Import hash sets from Project Vic and auto-tag matching images
  • Leverage the DEI time-line to combine files, actions and people into a single view
  • Filter results to identify the high-value and most relevant data
  • Export data in JSON format (to Griffeye Analyze Platform, for instance)
  • Share the results of the examination with a portable stand-alone viewer

The 9th Annual Florida Crimes Against Children Symposium, held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, featured industry speakers from ADF Solutions, Authentic8, Callyo, Cellebrite, Magnet Forensics, NITV, Paliscope, Paraben, PenLink, Sumuri. and Whooster. 

ADF is committed to supporting the ICAC Program which was developed in response to the increasing number of children and teenagers using the Internet and other technology, the proliferation of child sexual abuse images available electronically, and the heightened online activity by predators seeking unsupervised contact with potential underage victims. 

If you were unable to attend but would like to learn more about how ADF software supports law enforcement's efforts to solve internet crimes against children, watch our recorded webinar. 

See Best Law Enforcement Conferences

ADF regularly compiles lists of the best law enforcement conferences for investigators and prosecutors including 2021 ICAC Task Force conferences. 

Topics: Law Enforcement, Digital Forensics, Project Vic, Police, ICAC, Triage, Sheriff, ICAC Task Force, Griffeye, IIOC

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