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Engagement and Energy: The E in our LEGEND

Posted by Gina Cristiano on April 15, 2020
Gina Cristiano

In our series on our Culture Code, I want to dive into the first “E” in our LEGEND - Engage and Energize! While last time I explained how ADF as a whole leads and learns, this time I thought I’d highlight one of our team members who I think truly exemplifies the idea of engagement and energy both within the company and within the field of digital forensics; Rich Frawley, our Digital Forensic Specialist. Chances are you know Rich already from ADF’s free short How To videos, his engaging and thoughtful webinars, or through his assistance in technical enablement and support. 

Engage and Energize ADF Culture Code

When we were developing our Culture Code, we looked at our employees and our role models and determined that the type of people that ADF seeks to hire are those people with spirit; can-do, positive people who strive to achieve excellence. Rich is definitely that person. Whether it be working as technical support for our suite of products, providing enriching content as a subject matter expert, or answering a flurry of emails (many of which come from me), Rich’s attitude is always “I can do that” and “I’m here to help”. 

Engagement can mean so many things, but I really see it as showing kindness and a willingness to listen to each other sincerely. It also means that you seek relationships with others that are positive, and in our eyes, have a sense of fun. That’s why you’ll see that we’re so active on social media; we love hearing from our peers, partners, customers, and friends about how they’re doing and building connections. That’s why you’ll find me, and Rich, and others posting so much on our blog- We’re seeking that engagement with you, our readers.

We get energy by giving back, and we give our energy to you by showcasing the best of ourselves. One of the highlights of our experience is the opportunity to network with you at conferences and events. We gain so much vitality by just being around our peers and friends! When we’re not seeing you in person, we’re finding new ways to engage with you, and working on connecting even further with our fabulous partners. 

I am grateful that these views are company-wide; as I previously mentioned in my last post, one of the highlights of ADF’s culture is the positivity and inclusiveness that is present. Rich has a reputation of being kind to our employees, understanding and patient with our customers, and a listener to all. Rich’s work showcases the best of ADF in its support for others and dedication to finding the best results. He truly showcases how to engage fully and demonstrate full commitment in his work and in his life. 

How we choose to engage with each other speaks to how we act as human beings, not just as workers. ADF believes that engaging with warmth and positivity is the way to produce a culture worth emulating. We energize ourselves and each other with this attitude. This is part of how we’re #AllinForensics.

See the ADF Culture Code

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Topics: Digital Forensics, Culture Code, AllinForensics

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