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Introducing Field Investigator for Teams

Posted by ADF Solutions on April 6, 2020
ADF Solutions

ADF Solutions Introduces Field Investigator™ for Teams

There’s a new way to give digital forensic examiners control of investigations and empower non-technical front-line investigators. Meet Field Investigator™ for Teams, the best way to deploy digital forensic triage capabilities to agents for on-scene digital evidence collection and analysis.

Introducing Field Investigator for Teams

With Field Investigator™ for Teams,your highly trained digital forensic staff can create custom search profiles to deploy out to field agents, high tech crime units and task force members. Field Investigator™ for Teams combines the power of Digital Evidence Investigator® (DEI) and Triage-Investigator® (TINV) and enables agencies to widely deploy digital forensics capabilities to front line digital first responders. 

Choose from Computer Only or Mobile and Computer Capabilities 

Field Investigator™ for Teams can be deployed as computer triage only or can be purchased as Field Investigator PRO for Teams to deploy computer and advanced logical mobile acquisition capabilities for iOS and Android devices. 

While every license comes with out-of-the-box search profiles, each version of DEI or DEI PRO enables highly trained investigators or lab examiners to configure custom search profiles. 

Maintain Control: Custom Search Profiles

Once created, custom search profiles can be exported to Triage-Investigator® or Triage-Investigator PRO. With triage capabilities in hand, non-technical investigators can collect digital evidence on-scene and perform a rapid field analysis thereby allowing agents to make on-scene decisions including:

  • Victim identification
  • Suspect identification
  • Seizure decisions
  • Additional keyword capture 

Key Benefit: Minimal Training Required

One of the key benefits of Field Investigator™ for Teams is the ability to quickly deploy digital forensics capabilities to the field with minimal training of less than one day for Triage-Investigator training. 

Key Benefit: Affordable Digital Forensics

Another key benefit to Field Investigator™ for Teams is the cost savings associated with the bundled deployment. The cost savings included enable teams to receive a free copy of Digital Evidence Investigator® or Digital Evidence Investigator PRO depending on which version agencies purchase. 

Learn More About Field Investigator for Teams

Topics: Digital Forensics, Digital Evidence Investigator, Triage-Investigator, Triage, Computer Forensics, Mobile Device Forensics, Forensic Triage, DEI PRO, Triage-Investigator PRO, AllinForensics

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