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Meet ADF at the 2018 National Cyber Crime Conference

Posted by Bret Peters on March 16, 2018
Bret Peters

ADF Solutions is proud to be a Gold SponsorThis April, ADF will sponsor The National Cyber Crime Conference in Massachusetts, hosted by the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.  The conference brings together police, prosecutors and forensic examiners from all 50 states, Washington DC, the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, for three days of training designed to help attendees face the challenges posed by digital evidence and technology in criminal investigations.  This law enforcement conferences international attendees have come from Canada, Ireland, England as well as Trinidad and Tobago. 

Attendees from hundreds of law enforcement agencies

In addition to the free on-site training, law enforcement attendees benefit from getting to meet and interact with prosecutors and LEOs from throughout the U.S. and Canada. The cybercrime conference is organized by the Attorney General of Massachusetts. Prosecutors, police, detectives and investigators from as far the the 48 contiguous states as well as Alaska and Hawaii attend, as well as law enforcement professionals from Canada and other countries.   

Prosecutor specific sessions

As a cybercrime conference, the NCCC event annually features specific tracks just for prosecutors. Law enforcement professionals can attend these sessions to learn how to collaborate with prosecutors in the fight against cyber crime with focused sessions on:

  • Child Exploitation and Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
  • Human trafficking
  • Fraud and economic crimes
  • Counterterrorism 

Who Attends the Massachusetts Cyber Crime Conference

In addition to prosecutors, attendees include police, sheriffs and constables as well as some department of defense professionals who work on joint task forces with state and local law enforcement. This is one of the preeminent events for ICAC task force members in the North East.  

The Massachusetts Cyber Crime Conference is just one event offering training to law enforcement professionals. Here's a list of the best law enforcement conferences in the United States and ICAC Task Force Conferences in the United States.

Best 2021 Law Enforcement Conferences

Topics: Cyber Crime, Law Enforcement, Digital Forensics, United States, Law Enforcement Conferences

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