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Forensics and Philanthropy on #GivingTuesday

Posted by Richard T. Frawley on November 30, 2020
Richard T. Frawley

#GivingTuesday - ADF Solutions Rich FrawleyWhen I began my career in Law Enforcement I had no idea I would end up one day investigating computer crimes, let alone be a Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE), a designation issued by the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS). The process to achieve the CFCE status consisted of 2 weeks of a bootcamp style indoctrination in the computer forensics world, a world that was only being taught by Law Enforcement at the time and which was followed by a year of completing peer reviewed problem sets as well as a comprehensive final exam. The process to become a CFCE, which was difficult and rewarding, and it was entirely managed by the volunteers who taught and mentored me. 

Working in the emerging field of computer crime and digital forensics, I quickly learned there were not a lot of places to turn to for help, as problems sometimes took a little longer to figure out. Immediately after receiving my CFCE status, approximately 16 years ago, I volunteered to help others coming up through the process by becoming a CFCE Coach/Mentor. This led me to hold several positions in the IACIS organization and I currently serve as the Chairman of the Re-Certification Committee. Along with my duties as Chairman I still coach candidates coming up through the process, helping them understand all the concepts that are taught in the two week BCFE - Basic Computer Forensic Examiner Conference. 

One of my favorite aspects of my work with IACIS has always been community involvement with Digital Safety presentations for students, parents and civic groups a function I missed after retiring from law enforcement. Fortunately, I still work closely with law enforcement in my role as Director of Training here at ADF Solutions, and through the ADF Pledge 1% Philanthropy Time program, our integrated philanthropy model, I still volunteer my time with IACIS.

With the onset of COVID-19 this year the schools found themselves in need of a presentation that could be done virtually. Being that I am accustomed to working remotely and having experience in teaching in a digital environment, I was able to volunteer my time to create a <10 minute Digital Safety / Digital Identity video that could be presented to seniors at different local high schools.  

We're delighted to share this as part of #Pledge1Gives, a digital storytelling campaign that highlights how Pledge 1% members are supporting local communities on December 1, 2020 which is #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving. We encourage all businesses to use this moment to reflect on the many ways ADF Solutions our fellow Pledge 1% members have stepped up and responded to the exceptional challenges we’ve faced this past year. Together, we celebrate how companies (and their employees, customers, partners, etc.) are having an impact, and how anyone--from executives to assistants--can make a difference. 

Learn How the ADF Team Gives Back

Topics: Digital Forensics, United States, United Kingdom, Careers, technology, High Tech Crime, IACIS, AllinForensics

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