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ADF as an Innovator in Digital Forensic Software

Posted by Gina Cristiano on December 12, 2019
Gina Cristiano

Triage- the word is normally associated with hospitals, where doctors and nurses prioritize patients’ treatments based on the severity of their condition. The concept has been around since the Napoleonic wars and is responsible for saving innumerable lives ever since.

Over ten years ago, ADF Solutions was created to bring the idea of triage to the field of digital forensics. The result was Digital Forensic Triage: the process by which investigators collect, assemble, analyze, and prioritize digital evidence from a crime or investigation.

Learn More About Digital Forensic Triage Here 

In our earliest years, we started with a focus on software that was specifically for image identification and analysis for child exploitation. We knew that by creating an intuitive framework for forensic software, government and law enforcement agencies would be able to do their best work. As ADF has evolved, our triage tools have been enhanced to provide immediate on-scene evidence collection and rapid analysis.

Over the years, we’ve grown to not merely include support for hundreds of file types and artifacts, but also created a better way to link file and artifact information quicker than any other solution on the market. We dedicated ourselves to a mission that solidifies our goals and positioning for the future: to help investigators and examiners get to relevant information faster.

ADF The Innovators Blog Post 12.6.2019

ADF Solutions released a full digital investigation platform that maintains its ability to solve forensic backlogs and also serves as a comprehensive tool that allows a case to be put together. While we remain at the cutting edge of triage, we’ve extended ourselves further based on agency and client needs.

ADF remains the best digital forensic tool for solving cases fast; by prioritizing evidence collection, automating analysis and providing a variety of report types so investigators can take cases to prosecutors quickly.

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Topics: Computer Forensics, Mobile Device Forensics, Forensic Triage, Digital Devices, Forensic Analysis, Forensic Science, Data Decryption, Digital Media Investigator, Mobile Device Investigator, Cyber Forensics, Digital Evidence

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