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Essential Computer Forensics Software: 3 Software Tools To Know About

Posted by Nuris Brand on July 13, 2022
Nuris Brand

As early as 1984, the FBI Laboratory and other law enforcement agencies began developing programs to examine computer evidence [1]. Since the publication of ISO 17025 by the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) which was centered around the best practices for computer forensics, standards and guidelines were established to help computer forensics investigators. It became clear that the proper computer forensic software needed to be produced to allow for the collection of data but also function with changing technology in our modern era. The right computer forensic software should allow for each stage of digital evidence collection to be completed successfully. Investigation's reliability is predominantly determined by the validity and correctness of computer forensic software tools and their application process [2]. This post will focus on computer forensic software tools and how they can be beneficial in the process of digital evidence collection. 

Which Forensic Software Should I Use

Features of computer forensic software tools may vary depending on the market they are designed for. Although, forensic software suites should allow users to accomplish several tasks such as…

  • Support hashing of all files to allow for comparative filtering 
  • Full disk hashing to confirm the data has not changed 
  • Pathway locators
  • Clear time and date stamps
  • Acquisition of evidence
  • Search and filtering of items
  • The ability to load IOS backup and parse the data (Mac Forensics)

These are general features that are needed for digital evidence collection. Two additional features that are important to law enforcement agencies include RAM capture and the ability to preview. When choosing computer forensic software it is important to take into account the type of computer forensics, where, and how digital evidence collection is taking place. Understanding the needs of an investigation prepares investigators with the proper tools to allow for triage of date on scene. Having the ability to collect digital evidence on the scene can mean all the difference for an investigation. Rapid data collection can assist in reducing forensic backlogs.

3 Forensic Software Tools You Absolutely Need to Know About

ADF makes computer forensic investigations easy whether for computer forensics in law enforcement or corporate forensics. ADF’s suite of tools makes digital evidence collection easy and quick. Evidence can be collected from Mac, Windows, and Linux devices. All three of ADF’s computer software tools give users the ability to connect a dongle via a USB port on the computer to quickly collect evidence and begin analyzing evidence from a target machine. ADF computer forensic software is automated / easy-to-learn and deploy with rapid artifact & file collection using out-of-the-box forensic scans. It is also scalable. For example, investigators can conduct an in-depth analysis of the data with a timeline view to tie the suspect to files of interest and user activities.

1. Digital Evidence Investigator (DEI)

  • DEI prioritizes and collects files and artifacts with suspect, witness, or victim evidence, presented in a timeline view.
  • Ideal for forensic examiners. Rapid forensics with the ability to create Custom Search Profiles and share with TINV users.

2. Triage- investigator
  • ADF triage tools allow field agents and investigators to collect, assemble, analyze, and prioritize digital evidence from a crime or investigation using out-of-the-box forensic search profiles. Forensic Examiners can create Custom Search Profiles for use in specific cases.
  • Ideal for non-technical investigators that will only be using built-in Search Profiles or those created by a DEI user.
  • Easy-to-use, easily configurable, supports a wide array of computer hardware, has powerful boot capabilities, is forensically sound, and comes with technical support and regular upgrades.  

3. Triage-G2 (TG2)
  • ADF's award-winning media exploitation tool is deployed by special forces, military, and intelligence agencies worldwide.
  • Ruggedized and built for military and Intel operators to operate on target in Stealth Mode.
  • Triage-G2 has a proven track record supporting sensitive site exploitation operations (including DOMEX, MEDEX, and tactical media exploitation as a key component of biometric identity kits).
  • Operators follow a rapid 2-step process, Triage-G2® will rapidly scan, extract, and analyze critical intelligence from computers and digital devices. The tool can be deployed in the field for reconnaissance on a small, rugged USB key.

Computer Forensics in Law Enforcement

Choosing computer forensic software tools can be daunting but knowing key important features and capabilities makes it easier to find the proper suite of tools. ADF makes computer forensic investigations easy thanks to computer forensics tools. ADF computer forensics software leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to simplify complex digital evidence investigation tasks, helping organizations uncover actionable intelligence within seconds and minutes.

Learn more about Computer Forensics 

Make the right computer forensic software choice for your agency or company and learn more about the right suite of tools for you.

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Topics: Digital Evidence Investigator, Triage-G2, Triage-Investigator, Computer Forensics, Computer Triage

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