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Mobile Preview Forensic Triage & ADF New Features (UPDATED IN 2022)

Posted by Bret Peters on November 20, 2020
Bret Peters

At ADF, we are mission driven. We are delighted to serve those who serve and some of our most exciting times are when we are adding new features and capabilities, when we learn how they are being used, and of course, on launch days. We hope you'll love what we've created.

Preview Mobile Devices to Speed Investigations

Speeding your investigations has always been a primary focus for ADF. Today, we’re excited to announce that you can now preview mobile devices by connecting an Android or iOS device. You can start looking at its content immediately without waiting for a backup or imaging to finish.

Screenshot of mobile forensic preview with ADF Digital Evidence Investigator PRO

This feature applies to Mobile Device Investigator, the MDI Field Tablet, the DEI PRO Field Tablet, and each of the ADF PRO tools and is designed to collect artifacts including pictures, videos, and documents.  

Investigators can control their investigation as the file collection sequence adapts based on the user interactions. For example, if the pictures are being collected, but the user navigates to the Videos view, then the video files get a higher collection priority.

Watch the 4 minute How To video to learn how to use Mobile Preview for fast mobile forensic triage and investigations

Mobile Preview Forensic Triage & ADF New FeaturesCapture More Evidence

We always seek to deliver more functionality to let you find more digital evidence which will be relevant to your investigation. With our new release, you can now:

  • New artifact Captures to process Paired Bluetooth devices (iOS), Dropbox (iOS), Reddit (Android), Notes (iOS), Bookmarks (Opera on Windows).
  • Updated artifact Captures for eMule app (Windows), Networks Capture (Android).
  • Scan Advanced Forensics File format 4 (AFF4) and logical evidence file (L01) formats.
  • Scan folders during a live scan - Folders can be added to a live scan to scan network drives and mounted encrypted containers.
  • Scan Larger Datasets of 100+ Million Records.
  • Carve Pictures from System Files - Locate and carve pictures saved in these system files pagefile.sys, swapfile.sys, hyberfil.sys.

Streamlined User Guides and Training

The new release prompted our team to update and streamline our user guides to make it easier to reference and review specific smartphone forensics and computer forensics tasks. In addition, we’ve now released ADF Certified User Training as online and self-paced training for each of our triage and digital forensic products. 

ADF online courses are taught by former law enforcement and digital forensics experts and are designed to be completed within 8 to 20 hours depending on the specific product. For instance, Mobile Device Investigator can be completed in about 8 hours while ADF PRO tools which combine computer forensics with mobile device forensics take approximately 20 hours to complete for both computer and mobile forensics.

Watch: ADF Mobile Preview & New Features

Topics: Digital Forensics, mobile device, Mobile Device Forensics, Mobile Triage Kits, Identity Operations, Mobile Forensics, Mobile Device Investigator, DEI PRO, Triage-G2 PRO, Triage-Investigator PRO, DEI PRO Field Tablet, Field Investigator PRO for Teams

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