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Meet the Best Field Forensic Tool: DEI PRO Field Tablet

Posted by Will Elder on April 30, 2021
Will Elder

The DEI PRO Field Tablet is the ultimate field forensic field tool for mobile and computer investigations. Watch this 8-minute overview to see the many features available to frontline investigators on this rugged Dell Latitude tablet. 

DEI PRO Field Tablet Specifications 

ADF offers the DEI PRO Field Tablet built on the Dell Lattitude 7220 Rugged Extreme Tablet - with a 12” screen and front-facing camera.


On the backside of the tablet is a rear-mounted camera and flash, attached stylus with storage slot. The tablet shows is appropriately bright so no one can lose it, and ships with a 2 Cell, ExpressCharge™, Lithium Ion Battery.


On the front of the DEI PRO Field Tablet is a backlit screen rotation button as well as buttons to control brightness, volume as well as three additional programmable buttons for keystrokes or macros - such as Open DEI / or turning writeblocking on or off.


On the hidden side panel is the audio jack, USB3, USBC Micro HDMI, and power input


Along with all this it comes bitlocker protected (again whos going to lose it with the bright color) Pause - If we go to our easy to access display settings we can see how easy it is to scale giving you better viewing capabilities, here we scaled to 175% and look how nice that is to view, back to 100% then up to 125% and still nice viewing area.  And the tablet is not locked to DEI all access is yours, think of the boot information, hot keys, and computer specs you can find now.right at the tip of your fingers. The keyboard is easy to access from the task bar and  also has auto open if in a text area.


Let’s Open DEI on the Dell tablet, again touch capable, and  plenty of screen real estate for you. We have already gone ahead and added an iPhone, with an encrypted backup setting, an iOS with encrypted backups to get more data - and let's see how easy it is to use the screenshot capability.

With an optional kickstand or hand strap you can easily create a few screenshots, no dropping the tablet and working in an often limited space. If you have not seen this feature, you can screenshot with DEI PRO and process with OCR.

First we create a few screenshots and can create separate categories, such as home screens, Evernote, specific apps, Kik messenger, whatever you are screenshotting. You can see here you only need to manipulate the screen to the location you want to screenshot, no triggers on the phone itself. We then process with Optical Character Recognition and everything is processed and available in your scan results. You'll have nice screen previews and searchable textual content from the screenshots.


Now if we navigate to the Evernote category we can see the Evernote textual content and will focus in on the text “ a lot of security doors” and search for the word security. Again easy to use keyboard and the search found 3 hits on security for Security cameras, security guards, and security doors.


As we look into the messaging capture results we can see just how responsive DEI PRO is with the touch screen and using all the typical buttons, boxes, and selection points, filtering, sorting, removing filters, scrolling. All with ease, and you can see as we navigate around that there are no miss-hits or what I like to refer to - for myself -  as fat fingering. All selections have been accurate with the Dell Latitude Tablet and the touch screen feature. 


So I mentioned earlier about having the Forensic Lab in your hand, and as we show a USB device that needs to be scanned, if you are on-scene you could attach it through a write blocker or like I mentioned earlier turn on/off write blocking with the program keys.

Once it's write blocked and attached use the normal Digital Evidence Investigator function to select the drive, select a profile for non OS scanning and you are scanning your target device on-scene while others are using Collection Keys for the computers on scene. While we are demonstrating use with the tablet keyboard, an external keyboard could be connected and used in these situations as well.

You can monitor the scan as it continues and when  the scan has finished the results can be immediately reviewed and/or the USB device imaged if necessary. also this is the time you can review, tag, sort, filter, and use your results for interview purposes and making decisions on scene. You always have enough screen real estate and the ability to zoom built into the DEI PRO Field Tablet. 


One of the nice things about having the forensic lab in your hands is also having the ability to do just a little more examination of the results on scene. As we cant preview video on a suspect computer, having the tablet allows you to preview with the proper codecs installed, you still get the 50 frames, but now if the actual content and audio are important, the lab is with you and you can preview the entire video in full. As you are scrolling through videos, if your classifier has finished running post-scan, you can choose to use the features there as well, all on scene. Of course, start, stop, scrub and pause are all available. 


The benefits of bringing the DEI PRO Field Tablet On-Scene combines the benefits of the best mobile phone forensic software with ADF's powerful computer forensic software

  • Portable, Lightweight and Easy-to-Use
  • Built for DEI PRO (mobile & computer forensics)
  • Push button functionality
  • Built for the extreme conditions of law enforcement
  • Bright and Bitlockered
  • Full functionality on-scene, no waiting to go back to the lab
  • If the situation changes, you are ready

Learn More About the DEI PRO Field Tablet

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