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Intro to Digital Forensics

Posted by Brittany Roberts on March 30, 2021
Brittany Roberts

At the scene of any crime or incident it is important to protect and collect evidence. There are different types of evidence, including physical and digital. ADF Solutions focuses on retrieving digital evidence from devices starting on-scene. 

All evidence is impacted by time. Quickly deciding what is important helps investigators identify victims, suspects, and motives.

  • It isn't always practical to seize every device on-scene
  • ADF tools triage devices to get investigators to relevant evidence fast
  • ADF tools, are easy to use and built for frontline agents and investigators

Watch this 60 second video for a quick introduction to digital forensic triage.

ADF digital forensic tools can be used in the field or in the lab to help identify critical evidence and speed investigations to help quickly identify victims and suspects while protecting digital evidence.


Icon-On-Scene-tOn-Scene: The speed and flexibility to search based on the nature of your search for Suspect, Witness, Victim, or Unknown devices. Preview devices and capture screenshots from mobile devices to make immediate field decisions for the next steps in your case (seize devices, charge suspects, identify and protect victims, etc.). Investigate computers (Mac, Windows, Linux) or mobile devices, analyze results, make decisions and build your or solve your case on-scene.


Icon - man driving police car back to forensic labField to Lab: Collect relevant evidence in minutes, seize devices and continue your investigations back in the lab or hand off prioritized evidence with initial reports to prosecutors and examiners for further investigation. 


Icon - Forensic lab investigator with two computersIn the Lab: If an investigation was started on-scene with ADF, you can pick up right where you left off. Otherwise, you can quickly triage other seized devices to determine which devices should be prioritized. 


Getting started with ADF digital forensic tools is easy. Investigators can learn ADF tools in just 8 to 20 hours. Qualified professionals can request a free software trial to use in an investigation with full support from our digital forensic team

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Topics: Digital Forensics, Computer Forensics, Forensic Training, Forensic Lab Solutions, Forensic Triage, Computer Forensic Lab

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