Today's access to technology and the Internet is unfortunately making it easier for cyber criminals to commit crimes can oftentimes go undetected. It is the job of ICAC Task Forces, high tech crime..
Go to News articleBethesda, Maryland: ADF Solutions’ new Anti-Human Trafficking Search Profiles were built in conjunction with the..
Go to News articleOne of the most important factors in a child exploitation investigation, is having the ability to show a report to a colleague,..
Go to News articleDigital Forensic Investigators and Examiners need to be able to find evidence quickly and one of the ways that ADF provides this capability is using PhotDNA.
Go to News articleChild sexual exploitation and modern slavery are related aspects of human trafficking which result in the commercial exploitation of children and often being victims of Child Sexual Abuse Material..
Go to News articleADF’s newest software versions include new field tablet capabilities and smartphone collection features
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